- Volume 3 has two pages labeled 3. Thus, pages in Volume 3 labeled “Volume 3 Page 4” or later actually have a page number one less in the original Japanese. Because the first page 3 is the last page of the table of contents, it’s possible that at some earlier point Volume 3 was shorter and later pages failed to be renumbered after the additional table of contents page was added, or it could be a simple error.
- There is a typesetting error in the life dates for Honda Toshimasa on page 96. His birth date is not known.
- The page number for the melon mon reference is missing. It should refer to p. xxxi.
- On page B23, the entry for page vii titles the folding screen “Shoshō Kisei Zu (諸将旗旌図)”. It is actually called “Shoshō Shōki Zu Byōbu” (諸将旌旗図屏風)”, as given in the text.